During a one player game when you die and have no more credits, press fire on the joystick in the mouse port to restart the game on the level you last died on.
BASICS: There are eight worlds and ten scenes per world. To complete each scene you must collect all the gold keys and make your way through the open door.
EGGS AND BADDIES: Touching a baddie causes the loss of one armour or death. Eggs can be thrown at baddies and it takes one hit to destroy them in World One, two hits in World two, three hits in World Three, and four hits in World Four upwards. Big baddies take six hits in World One, eight in World Two, ten in World Three and twelve hits in World Four and above.
PEACE BONUS: Completing a scene without throwing any eggs gives a bonus of 10,000 points, double world points and doubles the egg bonus.
EGG BONUS: Collecting the fruits and completing a scene gives an egg bonus. Each fruit is worth one to six fruit points (red = 1, purple = 6). In World One you need four fruit points for an egg bonus, in World Two you need six fruit points, in World Three you need eight fruit points and in World Four and above you need ten fruit points for an egg bonus.
GEM BONUS: Collecting all six gems gives a gem bonus which starts at 10,000 points and doubles each time you get it. The gem bonus resets to 10,000 points when you die.
Iron key - Opens one iron gate
Skull ---- Dead duck
Flower --- Collect 10 for an extra duck
Mushroom - Turns skulls into flowers and vice-versa
Spike ---- Lose one armour/dead duck
Pendant -- Homing in baddies can't see you for 10 seconds
10 eggs -- Plus 10 eggs
Bulb ----- Five seconds of light (Worlds 7 and 8)
Oil ------ 10 seconds of slippy feet
Glue ----- 10 seconds of sticky feet
Blue --- 10 seconds of flying
Grey --- Improve armour (three stages)
Green -- Next 10 eggs thrown do double damage
Purple - 10 seconds invulnerability (not to skulls)
Red ---- Plus 4 supa eggs (four time damage)
Brown -- Plus 2 chocolate eggs (stuns other player/release sweet)
Sweet -- Plus 2 chocolate eggs